Pain management after amputation of lower limb

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Manjaree Mishra
Vivek K. Katiyar
Sumit Sharma
Ram Niwas Meena
Rahul Khanna
Shashi Prakash Mishra


Pain remains a very important issue which needs to be addressed after amputation of lower limb. There are may pharmacological agents available and many procedures which can be used to give pain relief to these patients but with varying degree of acceptability and success.

The current review article discusses about the challenges related to the management of pain after amputation of lower limb and recent trends in this field.  

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How to Cite
Mishra, M., Katiyar, V. K., Sharma, S. ., Meena, R. N. ., Khanna, R. ., & Mishra, S. P. (2023). Pain management after amputation of lower limb . Journal of Surgery Archives, 1(02), 13–20. Retrieved from
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